De heren van Rijswijk

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While researching De heren van Teijlingen I stumbled upon John Ooms (JO) stating he had, besides Willem and Dirk who are found in several Oorkonden, and NL26 and in BI as well, more children:

sons Gerrit, Hugo and Arend, as well as a daughter Machteld. Did he? And what did John base that statement on?

  • Gerrit is likely the Gerardus de Theilingen attested in 1283 in #283, see Oorkonden above. He was supposedly lord of Heemskerk and married to a daughter of Arnoud van Heusden, according to JO (2b).
  • Hugo, supposedly Gerrit's younger brother by 29 years, was also lord of Heemskerk. He would have likely taken over after Gerrit's death in 1225 then. His wife is not known, his daughter Aleid married Willem III van Strijen according to JO (2c).
  • Arend, lord of Rijswijk, married to Halewijne van Egmont, daughter of Wouter I, aka "Kwade Wouter", according to JO (2d).
  • Machteld married Herbaren van der Woert and was mother of Jan Florisz, which is weird if his father was Herbaren, according to JO (2e). JO refers to Dietz on GO for that, who has a son Floris III for them, who married Hadewich/Hazeke van Teylingen (I did see her as a supposed person based on naming in the elaborate piece by Henri Jean Joseph Vermeulen), daughter of W#202 and Agnes van Lynden, and has Jan Florens as grandchild.

Arend is not to be confused with Gerrit's son, Arnoud, born 1235, 10 years after his father's death (2). Something does not add up here. The Gerritsz was married to Margaretha van Voorne, daughter of Dirk II x Alveradis van Cuijk, according to JO (2d).

Arend son of 'our' W#202 had children Dirk, Florentia, Bertha and Lubbert according to JO. Bertha married Dirk I van Wassenaar (3), son of Philips I, who was a general who fought together with W#149, father of W#202 and supposed grandfather of Arend, during the Loon War.


JO seems to make several mistakes here, or at least a different view than his sources, but let's see if we can find (better) sources for his claims.

The earliest Van Rijswijk I have found on Wikipedia is Jan and Arnoud van Rijswijk: Jan van Rijswijk koos daarin voor de zijde van Willem van Friesland, Arnoud van Rijswijk schaarde zich achter: Jan sided with Willem during the Loon War, Arnoud with Ada. Unclear what their relation is, brothers, father/son, ... They must have been born before 1180 to be old enough to have participated in that war. Jan is not to be confused with Jan Heymansz van Rijswijck, who was born ca 1270, and related to the Van Arkel family, and belonged to a different Rijswijk in North-Brabant.

Oorkonden through Groesbeek Collection

First, I compiled a list of 'relevant' hits, comments by GB in parentheses, my comments in italic (NL),

  1. 1075-1081; Hamulgerus de Riswic
  2. 1083-07-26; Deddo de Riswic, testis
  3. 1083-1120; v.d. Bergh I no 105, 108, 107, Dodo (van Voorhout/van Rijswijk?) et castellanus pratum duarum librarum; - Godelt de Rijswijc dedit terram in Velsen, 1 unciam persolventem; getuigen: Weremboldo, Galone, Isbrando, Deddone (van Rijswijk ?) et fratribus ejus quam plurimis Those brothers are van Haarlem, Dodo: 2 pond (van) een kasteelweiland, Godelt schenkt land and betaalt. Dodo had broers.
  4. 1101; v.d. Bergh I no 94 Dodo de Furholt (van Voorhout = van Rijswijk ?)
  5. 1105-1120; v.d. Bergh I no 108 Isbrandus frater Barwaldi (van Egmond, verwanten van Rijswijk in vrouwelijke lijn ?)
  6. 1108-04-13; v.d. Bergh I no 98 laici: Florentius comes Hollandiae, Galo et Ysebrandus, fratres ipsius abbatis, Dodo miles comitis et Theodericus filius ejus; Dodo was ridder en had een volwassen zoon Dirk in 1108. Nijhof/Muller vermoeden Van Rijswijk.
  7. 1108-06-26; v.d. Bergh I no 99 Dudo de Furneholt (van Voorhout/van Rijswijk ?)
  8. 1130-1161; Bijdr Hist Gen XXI p 175, 1914 p 30, 24 abt Wouter van Egmond koopt voor 30 mark van Franco van Rijswijk en zijn broers, een stuk land in Poelgeest, dat ieder jaar 3 £ opbrengt; - dedit Berwoldo, ecclesiae advocato, 5 libras; - Cristantio filo Dodonis (van Voorhout/van Rijswijk ?) emit terram in Hemecekerke, 6 uncias en voor het zieleheil van zijn zoon Gerard land dat 3 uncias opbrengt; - 8 uncias in Eskmundelf en 4 in Forenholte pro anima Dodonis [van Rijswijk ?], pertinent ad capellam St Mariae in Hecmunda Dodo is overleden. Franco van Rijswijk had broers. Dodo had een zoon Kerstant (de vader van Philips I van Wassenaar).
  9. 1130-1161; Bijdr Hist Gen jg 1914 p 31/Bijdr Meded XXI p 176; quam aqua circumfluit, a Francone, dapifero comitis et fratribus ejus Alnotho et Wilhelmo et matre eorum Ymma Franco van Rijswijk is dapifer (Arnoud van Rijswijk later ook) en heeft broers Alnoth (Arnoud?) en Willem (mogelijk vader van Arnoud van Rijswijk, dapifer?).
  10. 1147; Dodinus en Boudinus de Skinga Dodo en Boudewijn van Schengen, geen idee waarom dat een treffer op Rijswijk is.
  11. 1156 v.d. Bergh I no 133 Dodinus filius Elboldi (van Rijswijk ?) Dodo was overleden (hoewel, 1130-1161 kan ook later dan 1156 zijn), mogelijk gaat het dan hier om een kleinzoon via een zoon Elboldus.
  12. 1162 v.d. Bergh I no 143; Dodo advocatus et fratres eius Theodericus, Berwoldus et Werenboldus, Wilhelm de Forenholta, Odger de Riswic Dodo en zijn broers Dirk, Beerwoud (van Egmond?) en Werenboud, Willem van Voorhout, Odger van Rijswijk. Waar begint en eindigt de lijst broers? ==> na Werenboud. Dus Willem vV en Odger vR zijn geen broers van Dodo.
  13. 1162-1190 v.d. Bergh I no 170; Cristantius dapifer (van Rijswijk ?), Hugo et thiedric filii Waszonis, Wilhelmus filius Duvae, capellanus Franco
  14. 1168 v.d. Bergh I no 147; scultetus Wigerus de Riswic (te lezen: Rietwijk ?), Berwoldus de Ecmunda, Cristantius dapifer (van Rijswijk ?)
  15. 1174-10-03 v.d. Bergh I no 149; Dodo filius Berwoldi (van Egmond)
  16. 1188 v.d. Bergh I no 166, 167; Cristantio dapifero comitis Hollandiae
  17. 1199-01-21 v.d. Bergh I no 179; I no 180; onder de getuigen: Arnoldus dapifer en zijn broer Heinricus
  18. 1199 v.d. Bergh II Nal no 4; getuige o.a. Henricus de Riswick
  19. 1203 v.d. Bergh Nal no 5; getuige o.a. Arnoldus de Riswic
  20. 1203 v.d. Bergh I no 195;
  21. 1204-06-24< v.d. Bergh I no 197, 199; onder de getuigen: Arnoldus en Henricus de Riswic
  22. 1205 v.d. Bergh I no 202, 203, I no 214; getuigen o.a. Arnoldus de Riswic en zijn broer Heinricus;
  23. 1206-1226 J Hof: Abdij Egmond p 52, 482/Kroniek Egmond p 51; Lubbert van Rijswijk, abt van Egmond; stierf 1226-05-12
  24. 1212-1214 v.d. Bergh I no 227; getuigen: Arnoldus de Riswic, Jacobus de Riswike
  25. 1213-12-23 v.d. Bergh I no 237; getuige voor graaf Willem o.a. Wilhelmus de Riswic
  26. 1215-08-28 v.d. Bergh I no 247; graaf Willem I beslist een geschil tussen Lubbertus abt en Willem zoon van Walterus van Egmond over de rechten van de advocaat van die kerk; onder de getuigen: Arnulfus de Riswic
  27. 1215 Oppermann: Fontes Egmundenses p 245; Lubbert, abt van Egmond, schenkt aan Dirk , physicus de Aelsmeer en zijn vrouw Ermengardi, 2 hoed tarwe en twee hoed gerst uit de tienden in Sassenheim in leen; onder de getuigen: Theodericus de Riswiic frater abbatis
  28. 1216-12-05 De Fremery no 36; getuigen: Arnoldus de Riswic en Theodericus de Riethe Rietveld?
  29. 1222-10 De Fremery no 60/v.d. Bergh I no 307; Henricus, abt van Egmond maakt van het leen dat Willem van Egmond van hem houdt een onversterfelijk erfleen, onder de getuigen: Wilhelmus, Gelekinus en Symonis de Rijswijk (= Simon de Urbe = Simon van der Burgh (met potlood))
  30. 1223-07-22 v.d. Bergh I no 283; getuige o.a. Gelekinus de Riswic
  31. 1224-12-06 v.d. Bergh I no 287; o.a. Ghelkinus de Ryswijc, miles
  32. 1226 v.d. Bergh I no 301/Batavia Illustrata bl 1193; testes: ... Reinerus de Riswic (Rietwijk ?)
  33. 1227-09-21 Cartul Marienweerd no 44/v.d. Bergh II Nal no 13; getuigen: Willelmus de Theilingen, Jacobus castellanus de Leithen, Gerardus de Theilingen, Gelekinus en Simon de Riswic
  34. 1227-11 De Fremery no 60/v.d. Bergh I no 307; Henricus abt van Egmond ... getuigen: Reinerus de Rijswijk
  35. 1230-01-14 (1231) v.d. Bergh I no 325/Batavia Illustrata bl 977 (1230-02-19), bl 741 no 73; Arnoldus abt van Egmond ... getuigen: Gelekinus de Rijswijk, homines ecclesie; 1223-1234: lijst van Hollandse edelen: Golekum van Ryswyk
  36. 1230-05-01 v.d. Bergh I no 321; Theodericus de Teyling, Wilhelmus de Strijen, Wilhelmus Molendinarius, Ghevekyn en Symon de Ryswic
  37. 1230-05-07 v.d. Bergh I no 322/Noordbrabantse Charters p 24/Van Mieris I p 209 en 206; Gerardus (dezelfde als Ghelekinus en Gerardus dictus Ghelekyn) en Symon de Ryswyk (dezelfde als Simon van der Burch)
  38. 1231-03-30 v.d. Bergh I no 328; Theodericus de Teilingen, Wilhelmus de Striene (Strijen), Wilhelmus Molnar, Simon de Riswic
  39. 1233-03-01 De Fremery no 70; getuigen voor graaf Floris: Gelekinus de Riswic
  40. 1249-12-31 Arch Kloosters in Delfland p 292/Arch Bagijnhof te 's Gravezande Regest no 1/Mr R Fruin in Nyhoffs Bijdr 3 X 125; Wilhelmus, Rooms koning, belooft aan zijn moeder, na de dood van Aleydis, vrouw van Egidius van Ryswijck, de grond die deze nu in leen heeft
  41. 1255-09-21 v.d. Bergh I no 617; gravin Machteld schenkt 3 delen van het land van Aleydis vrouw van Egidius de Riswic, "quam erga ipsam Aleydem redemimus"
  42. 1263-10-13 Noordbrabantse Charters p 292; getuigen: Arnoldus de Gisene, Lodevicus castellanus de Altena, Budinus de Ryswijk
  43. 1264-10-28 v.d. Bergh II no 119; onder de borgen: Hugo de Ryswic, famulus
  44. 1266-05-25 v.d. Bergh II no 136; arbiters: Egidius de Voriscoten, Alewinus de Roderise, Theodericus Bokel, Engelbertus de Broeck, militibus; Gerardus Ghelekinus (van Riswic?)
  45. 1277-06-28 Van Mieris I p 392; Jan elect van Utrecht verpandt ter Horst aan heer Jan heer van Cuyk, o.a. in de raad: Wilhelmus de Rijswijk, militis

It is clear by the (notes) that Groesbeek suspected Van Rijswijk to be related to Van Voorhout, less clear that it was also related, or confused with Van Rietveld, and it seems Dodo van Rijswijk was either (suspected to be) related to Van Egmond, or confused with Dodo vE.

Dodo van Egmont, zoon van Beerwout II was oud genoeg om advocatus te zijn. Dat hij een broer Beerhout had zou kunnen. Een broer Dodo van Beerwout II is onwaarschijnlijk, daar die laatste 1158 overleden was. De bron van JO noemt op p242 een broer Werenbout van Barwout II, maar die zou 1114 gesneuveld zijn? Op p246 wordt echter 1168 genoemd. Echter geen broers Dirk en Barwout III. De voetnoot heeft het over verwarring met Barwout Dodensoen, advocatus sinds 1155... Op p248 treffen we Berwoud Dodensz, advocatus +1155, zoons Dodo, Allert, Dirck, Berwoud, Werembout. Bingo! Op p264 de Dodo zelf (geen kinderen).

That was likely the Dodo II, father of Kerstant (Cristantio in #8, #13, #14, #16 above), and Van Haarlem.

Serendipity: p273 has, according to a MS18307 from Brussels, a WvT (+1244) x Hedwig, daughter of Wouter van Egmond x Clementia van Gelre p281 quotes: "3. Hetwige Egmond, espousa Guillaume de Teylingen, chevalier (fils de Hugue Teylingen et de la fille de Daniel Meerwede). Il mourut l’an 1244. *4"

[abt Wouter] in #8 above, bought a lot more in that charter: "Abbas Walterus emit a Wilhelmo, filio Hugonis et Hathewe, dimidiam fiertellam, jacentem in Velsen in loco, qui dicitur Smalegheest, persolventem viginti octo denarios. Abbas Walterus emit ab Hathewa, matre Wilhelmi, uxore Hugonis, pascuam duarum vaccarum, que jacet juxta pascuam, quam emerat ab Everwacchoro, filio Galonis (2)."

Everwach was granchild of Allard, abt.

List of names

Compressing that to names with years...

  • ~1080 Hamulgerus
  • 1083 Dodo
  • ~1100 Godelt, Weremboldo, Galone, Isbrando, Deddo, veel broers [<-van Egmond]
  • ~1145 Franco, dapifer, broers Alnotho, Wilhelmo en moeder Ymma
  • 1162 Odger
  • ~1175 Franco, cappelanus (geen vR), werd waarschijnlijk abt in 1183
  • 1168 Wigerus, schout
  • 1199-1205 Arnoldus, dapifer, Heinricus, broer
  • ~1216 Lubbert I, abt vE, +5-12-1226
  • ~1212-1214 Arnold, Jacob
  • 1213 Wilhelmus
  • 1215 Lubbertus (I), abt, Arnulf
  • 1215 Dirk, broer van L
  • 1216 Arnoldus en Dirk (de Riethe, =Rietwijk?)
  • 1222 Henricus abt vE, Gelekinus en Symon vR (vd Burgh?)
  • 1223 Ghelekinus
  • 1224 Ghelekinus, miles
  • 1226 Reinerus
  • 1227 Gelekinus, Simon
  • 1227 Henricus, abt, Reinerus
  • ~1229 Golekum, edelen
  • 1230 Arnoldus, abt, Gelekinus, monk
  • 1230 Ghevekyn, Symon
  • 1230 Gerardus aka Gehlekinus aks Ghelekyn, Simon vR aka vd Burch
  • 1231 Simon
  • 1233 Gelekinus
  • 1249 Aleydis, vrouw van Egidius vR (wed? haar land wordt toegezegd, EvR +<1249)
  • 1255 Aleydis, vrouw van Egidius vR (haar land wordt vergeven, AxEvR +1255)
  • 1263 Budinus
  • 1264 Hugo, servant (vd graaf)
  • 1266 EvV, Gerardus/Ghelekinus vR?
  • 1277 Willem, miles

No Jan. Arnoud, from the Loon War, must have been the dapifer, who would likely side with Ada, the oppointed heir. That is almost the same list as [#Sources Verkerk] finds.

Trying to tie them together if found some suggestions: Franco zoon van Godelt x Ymma, en Godelt zoon van Deddo 1206-1217 Ogier van Voorschoten

Names by estimated generation

If we'd put them all in arbitrary 30 year generations...:

Removed latin suffixes and delatinized. Assuming, to be attested one needs to be 30+ (succeeded father) and 60- (succeeded by son). Attempting to fit people in fixed generations, but not all attestations are dated exactly, forcefully making it fit.

  • 1050 Hamulger, Godelt, ? x Ymma
  • 1080 Frank, Alnoth, Willem
  • 1110 Odger, Wiger
  • 1140 Frank
  • 1170 (Arnold, Henrik), Jacob, (Lubbert, Dirk), Ogier vV, (Gelekyn, Simon), Willem, Reiner
  • 1200 Egidius/Gilles x Aleid, Golekum
  • 1230 Boudwijn, Hugo, Willem

Fictional family tree


  • they are all family
  • -ger in the same line
  • recurring names are grandsons
  • -ijn in the same line
  • monks in the same line
  • miles in the same line
		     N.N.				1020
	       /	   \
	Hamulger	  Godelt x Ymma			1050
	   |		/	|	\
	?ger		Frank   Alnoth	Willem		1080
      /     \		|	|	|
   Oger     Wiger	?	?	?		1110
    |	     |		|
Ogier vV   Reiner	Frank	Arnold	Willem		1140/1170
			Gelekyn	Heinrik Lubbert
			Simon		Dirk
			|		|
			Golekum		Egidius		1200
			|		|
			Boudewijn	Hugo, Willem	1230

Arnoud and Lubbert

As we he have seen with Jan, there was more than 1 Rijswijk at then time, one in North-Brabant, one in Gelderland, but we are talking about the one in South-Holland. And there could have been more then one lord of v Rijswijk (source?). GB, and other sources, seems to think they are related to Voorhoud and maybe Van Egmond and Van Haarlem too. They likely all were, all lords were in one way or another.

So there could be more than one Arnoud van Rijswijk, one the son of W#202 and ANOTHER the son of ... Dodo, Willem? Wikipedia speaks of a Jan who sided with WvH, just as W#149 did. Wouldn't his sons have too? The Arnoud on Wikipedia sided with Ada. Was he a son of #W202? In Oorkonden we find Arnold van Rijswijk, brother of Henricus. W#202 does not have a son Henricus, so it has to be another one. There is also a Arnold dapifer, Dirk Drossaard, brother of W#202, was also dapifer, the one called vR is never called dapifer and vice versa, but either could have been distinctive enough. Arnoud is also mentioned together with Jacob, Willem and Dirk (if Rietveld = Rijswijk). Dirk is brother of Lubbert, Lubbert is abt, and according to JO Lubbert was son of the Arnoud that was a son of W#202. Could all Arnouds be one and the same? Both dapifer and Van Rijswijk? Brother of Henricus, father of the abt Lubbert and of Dirk, and somehow related to Jacob, Willem and even Jan? So far no reason why not. But if that Arnoud was a son of W#202, than H would be too. Was he a half-brother, or a brother-in-law?


W#202 died in 1244 in my book, and was born around 1175. That would mean his children would have been born around 1200. No way his son Arnoud would be dapifer by 1203. Arnoud must have been born before 1180 and can't be a son of W#202 if his DoB stands. If Lubbert is son of Arnold (only by JO so far)... Lubbert is abt in 1216, unlikely he was younger than 26, so born before 1190, and he died 1226, if only 50yo then, he would have been born 1176. So the father of Lubbert was likely born around 1150, a generation earlier than W202 in my book.